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Half-Life 2 Weirdness

It's time show off some of the more unusual ways of playing Half-Life 2. While the game offers an interesting, story-driven single player experience, that doesn't mean you can't also have a lot of fun with the features the developers didn't quite intend to be there. Feel free to browse the different subpages.

Half-Life 2 Single Player Tricks

Half-Life 2 Single Player Tricks - updated 2005-12-15

HL2DM Deskjumping guide

HL2DM Deskjumping guide - updated 2004-12-8

HL2DM Car shoving time attack

HL2DM Car shoving time attack - updated 2004-12-13

HL2DM Image Gallery

HL2DM Image gallery - updated 2005-12-15


Dm_Mousetrap - updated 2005-01-14