Corporate Quiz
The secret of Capitalism.
On this page you find parts of corporate logos. Most of them are from big intercontinental or European companies, but as a special treat for my Finnish visitors I've included some companies that operate mostly inside Finland. Your mission is to fill out the corresponding company names. The real question isn't however how many of these images you can recognize, it's why you can recognize them. Is easily recognizing a lot of commercial symbols a good thing? Should one work for completing the quiz? Is less more? Is this kind of philoshophizing about a simple thing just dumb?
0/20 corporations correct. Reset the page here.
This quiz was created by Olli Etuaho aka. Hectigo May 2005. Major influences include American Alphabet by Heidi Cody and a similar quiz by Pekka Kujansuu aka. Vjaz. The underlying PHP code was mostly written by Juha Törmänen aka. Vehlou for the anime & manga -themed quizes at Kupoli, a major Finnish anime & manga community.