
12.11.2004 - A new version of the rules & about game pack 3

A new version of the rules has been published, and game pack 3 will be published in the near future. The Finnish version of the game pack is already available for download.

10.10.2004 - Domain change

The official schizophrenia site moved to The old address hasn't been deactivated, though.

3.8.2004 - Not dead yet

The site has been very quiet for a couple of months, but we're not dead yet. Game Pack 3 will indeed be published somewhere in the near future, and the wallpaper 2 has been published too.

3.6.2004 - A wallpaper

A wallpapers section was added to the site. Now there is only one wallpaper, but we hope to get more online in the future.

1.6.2004 - A small update

The front page was updated.

17.5.2004 - Some changes on the site

Some new pages were added to the site, and the layout has also changed quite a bit. Game pack 2 has also been finally released. Some minor flaws in the rules were fixed in version 1.12.

13.4.2004 - A new version of the rules

New versions of both the rules (version 1.1 now) and Game Pack 1 were released. The Finnish version is also available.

© Olli Etuaho & Lauri Oikari 2003-2004 - Visit also