Mauton :: Hectigo's Half-Life 2 page

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Dm_Mousetrap - updated 2005-01-14

Half-Life 2 Single Player Tricks

Half-Life 2 Single Player Tricks - updated 2004-12-24

HL2DM Deskjumping guide

HL2DM Deskjumping guide - updated 2004-12-8

HL2DM Car shoving time attack

HL2DM Car shoving time attack - updated 2004-12-13


Newer pictures are at the top. That means you should begin from the bottom. :). Sorry for my bad English BTW. If you spot any grammar or spelling errors etc., you can send mail to admin at hectigo dot net.

No cheats, server configuration or image editing programs were used to create these images. The maps are official HL2DM maps without any modifications.

The best 4 pictures so far:
4. The tower
3. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
2. The REAL flying car.
1. A tower involving a file cabinet, car and a citizen.

Updated 2004-12-8: Hectigo, Laurentus and BlueAceX go wild:
What's that over my head? Oh, just a couple of file cabinets.
The REAL flying car.
The REAL flying car, part 2.
Someone making a high deskjump. Yes, from the ground.
Deskjumping elevator - from ground to the third floor. Respect for this goes to Laurentus.
Deskjumping elevator - from ground to the third floor, part 2.
Four file cabinets and a car. How boring.
Two file cabinets and a car. Quite nice :)
One file cabinet and a car. W T F ?
Yes, there really is only one file cabinet. We didn't believe it either.
View from the roof to make it sure.
Jumping over the car with a deskjump :)
The same thing in first person.
A tower involving a file cabinet, car and a citizen.

Updated 2004-12-7: Blame it on Hectigo once again:
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, part 2
Heavy cargo

Updated 2004-12-6: Hectigo did it alone (getting crushed under cars about 50 times in the process). Now it takes me about three minutes and 1-4 lives per car on average.
Honey, where did you park the car again?
Another point of view
Stacked 'em
A pile of stuff on the roof

Updated 2004-12-7: BlueAceX and Graner parking a car:
The roof.
Couldn't we find an easier parking place?
...and then the hard part
ZOMG, its teh flying car (better version is up there)
It's gonna fall over me! Noooo!

Updated 2004-12-4: Hectigo and a couple of Swedish guys stacked some stuff:
The nordic pile project

Updated 2004-12-4: Laurentus had too much free time and HL2DM installed on his computer (don't we all have?):
The tower
OMG! Sabotage!

All images are copyrighted by Olli Etuaho (Hectigo), Lauri Oikari (Laurentus) or Mikko Sillanp�� (BlueAceX). If you want to use any of these images, contact hl at hectigo dot net. Half-Life 2 by Valve Software 2004.