Half-Life 2 Weirdness
It's time show off the more unusual part of Half-Life 2. Feel free to browse the different subpages. All times presented on the pages are GMT+2. Please note that I'm not a native English speaker, so I must apologize for my English. If you spot any grammar or spelling errors etc., you can send mail to admin at hectigo dot net. Other kind of feedback is welcome too.
Half-Life 2 Single Player Tricks
Half-Life 2 Single Player Tricks - updated 2005-12-15
HL2DM Deskjumping guide
HL2DM Deskjumping guide - updated 2004-12-8
HL2DM Car shoving time attack
HL2DM Car shoving time attack - updated 2004-12-13
HL2DM Image Gallery
HL2DM Image gallery - updated 2005-12-15
Dm_Mousetrap - updated 2005-01-14